Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The ill-advisment of documenting your commitability

Let's just get this first post out of the way!

I keep thinking that I need to do this whole long back story and that I need to really clarify that I am really, a normal person.

That I somehow had little to no awareness of this thing called twilight until this year, and just happened to stumbled across the books in a six degrees of separation kind of way, then the movie, Midnight Sun etc, etc.

And was very content with just reading, re-reading, watchin, and re-watching that for more than seven months. Then all of a sudden, my vague want for more twiworld exploded into, what I guess I could call just enough need to send me on the net to explore blogs, and *gasp* the possibility of fanfic (neither of which I have EVER read before)

In that first forray into what kinds of twi google offered, I somehow stumbled across Twitarded and was fully pushed over the edge and down the rabbit hole. Somehow finding the funny crazy people really made it okay to let go and be crazy too.

But then, the more I'm in the twilife, the more I realize that this story isn't really necessary. Because it pretty much seems to be the story of us all. (us all = pretty much all of us with our own drivers license that really should have better things to be doing...)

I've been truly and utterly Twi-jacked.

It's complete. I've over the edge idiotic about this thing now, and I can only see it getting worse :)

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