Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Because I'm a Geek Like That!!!

We recently re-visited a children's museum, that we've been to many times before (pre twi-jacking), which has a very cool sand space in the middle of their preschool kids room.

I've always thought that the sand space was very neat and thought, in passing, that the fact that the sand is kind of pink and glittery was cool, but, never spent much more time or brain space on it beyond that ... until this visit that is (I'm sure you can guess why).

This time however, I was VERY interested in the sparkly sand, and spent a great deal of time trying to coat myself and my child with it, and trying to take a picture that showed it. (I'm sure all the other parents thought I was nuts, they're probably right) In retrospect it occurs to me that next time, we'll have to visit the water feature first, then dash over to the sand ... I bet it'd stick WAY better that way (the fact that I've been thinking on this long enough to come up with this strategy for next time kind of makes me think I may need to acknowledge I've got some problems here)

In the end, it didn't work out quite so well, but, I did get this little snippet of my "immortal child"

On another note, I spent a good deal of my lazy time yesterday doctoring up a photo so it was "Cullenized"

This is a first attempt, and is not fabulous, but, it's a start, and I think it turned out kind of cool. So much for every being able to deny that this nut is the one responsible for this blog ... oh well, I can always claim someone stole my picture and I had no knowledge of this ... yeah, we'll go with that ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one adorably pudgy vampbaby foot ;)