Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bloggy ADD

So, I've started, and failed to finish, about 7-10 different blog subjects ... don't know what's on the fritz, but, I can get ideas and sketch out a post, then get dissatisfied with content/length/lack of a certain something, whatever, and don't actually finish.

I'm starting to irritate myself!

Anywho, just to let you know part of why my blog's so lame lately :)

Hope to finish any and all of them up ever ... I know, great guarantee right?! ; )

And so this post is a little less lame itself, here's a little eye candy.

(mostly good fanip from over at LTT)
see, even image searching lacks focus, direction, and followthrough...


The Pixie said...
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Alice said...

I completely understand what you're going through! Sometimes you just got nothing to say. I hope that your writer's block will soon be over! XoXo

Anonymous said...

I hear ya...I think we're all a little burnt out waiting for Nov. 20. Patience...

mmMoxie said...

Have you been tagged to do the Twitarded Meme? If not, you're it!