Tuesday, September 8, 2009

OPattz has gone viral

In an effort to stick it to selfish photographers (*cough*SEGAL*cough-cough*) who aparently don't care who their fan base is (do you really think we're going to buy the real thing now that you've been such an ass?!? ... you're right, a lot of us still will, drat RPattz and his hottness!!!) the ladies over at TWITARDED have launched what has now become a viral phenomenon.

In an effort to spread this funny mayhem and stick it harder to certain selfish people (if only this was some how burning summit too, I'd be very happy!) if you haven't already seen it, you NEED to go check out The OPattz Photo Shoot which is sheer brilliance and hilarity at it's finest!!!

This photo is property of JJ and STY over at TWITARDED

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